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COVID-19 Immune Health and Preventive Measure

Posted at 02:29h in Uncategorized 
Updates for Protecting yourself during COVID-19.
Source>> Uncle, Director of Marketing for Newsday, NY, USA sent me a voice message which was transcribed from voice recorded message from colleague:
Doctor Negrin University Hospital: Canary Islands, Spain.
This Article is collected from
It will help people and everyone should maintenance the precaution to protect from Corona-virus.
The Chinese understand the behavior of the virus from studying autopsies.
The virus characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways by creating a thick mucus that solidifies and blocks airways in the lungs. The airways must be cleared in order to be receptive to the medications.
They have discovered in order to provide a medicine the airways must be opened in order to apply for medicine.
Precautions to SAFEGUARD Yourself:
1- Lot of Hot Liquids: Tea, Water, Soups, Coffee
2- Sip of Warm water every 20 minutes: creating moisture and wash any part of the virus into the stomach which will neutralize with gastric juices before it reaches the lungs.
3- Gargle Antiseptic- water with vinegar/salt/ lemon/ mouthwash/ peroxide : every day.
4- Wash hair & clothes, the virus can attach to these. After being ‘on the street’ around people out of your house Go straight to shower, wash skin, and clothes. If you cannot wash clothes every day, use the Sun to dry them out as it neutralizes the virus.
5- Wash metallic surfaces, can stay on for up to 9 days. Be vigilant with touching in public railings, door handles, etc. For the home, also clean down these surfaces daily for extra protection.
6- Don’t Smoke.
7- Wash your hands every 20 minutes, with any soap that foams.
8- Eat fruits and vegetables.
9- Elevate Zinc levels, in addition to Vitamin C (and D)
10- Not transmitted through animals, person to person only.
11- Avoid flu. (keeping immune high)
12- If you feel sore throat immediately take precautions above *Begins in throat for 3-4 days then moves into lungs.*

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